To help family members of our patients deal with grief after the death of their loved one, Del Corazon Hospice has established a grief and loss support group. The group meets twice a month. To ensure the health safety of group participants, the group has been meeting via Zoom.
The Del Corazon Support Group

Hospice Support
Most of the support that people receive after a loss comes from close friends, family members, and the clergy. Additional support is offered by members of the hospice care team especially from the Chaplain, Social Worker, and Bereavement Counselor. In fact, bereavement support is offered by the hospice for up to 13 months following the death of the hospice patient. This continuous support may include: one-on-one sessions, check-in phone calls, articles and newsletters, and support group meetings. Although no one can take away grief, using support systems can make it less difficult to live with loss.
We hope that you and your loved ones will allow our grief counselors to help you through your grief journey and help you to regain your balance. Support is also available for funeral planning.
Please call a Del Corazon Hospice grief counselor at (505) 988-2049.
Grief is Normal.
Each type of loss means that something has been taken away. As a family goes through the journey of a terminal disease, many losses occur and each triggers its own grief reaction. Grief may be experienced as a mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual reaction and often times a combination of these. Mental reactions can include anger, guilt, anxiety, sadness, and despair. Physical reactions can include sleeping problems, changes in appetite, and even illness.